Governance & Policies
Discover how we are establishing and maintaining trust in Ford Motor Company’s direction, relationships and goals.
Governance Policies
Solid principles of corporate governance are key to maintaining the trust of investors. The Board of Directors for Ford Motor Company has adopted these corporate governance practices to promote the effective functioning of the board, its committees, and the Company.
Charter of the Audit Committee
Charter of the Compensation, Talent and Culture Committee
Charter of the Finance Committee
Charter of the Nominating and Governance Committee
Charter of the Sustainability, Innovation and Policy Committee
Code of Conduct Handbook
Code of Ethics for the Board of Directors
Code of Ethics for Senior Financial Personnel
Corporate Governance Principles
Production Purchasing Global Terms & Conditions
Supplier Code of Conduct
Political Engagement
Ford’s Political Engagement Report highlights the principles that govern corporate participation in the political process, including disclosure of the company’s membership in organizations that contribute to debates on policy issues.
At Ford, we do things the right way – always – which includes encouraging our employees, agency personnel, suppliers, customers or other stakeholders to speak up when there is a concern about potential violations of our Code of Conduct, company policy, the law and other compliance and ethics matters.
While all concerns will be taken seriously and addressed, Ford’s investigation process is best facilitated when we receive as much information about the concern as possible. We ask you to provide contact information so you can be reached for follow-up. If you want to report anonymously, we accept anonymous reports.
Ford strictly prohibits retaliation for reporting a suspected violation in good faith or for assisting with an investigation.
If you wish to reach SpeakUp, please contact us.
Information you provide, including personal data, to SpeakUp is received and processed by Ford Motor Company in the U.S. for the purposes of evaluation and handling the report, and may be shared on a confidential basis with investigation personnel or others as may be necessary.
External Grievances
You have identified a violation of human rights or the environment? Do not hesitate and inform us. Click below for next steps.
Code of Ethics Waivers
The Nominating and Governance Committee of the Board of Directors is responsible for considering any request for a waiver under Ford Motor Company's codes of ethics from any Director or Executive Officer.