Traffic Detour

The pandemic may have you feeling stuck, but we are not at a standstill – personal transportation is flourishing as consumers seek out safer modes of travel. Bike sales have soared. Cities have shut down streets to make space for cyclists and walkers. And car sales have boomed as people seek security in knowing they can control their environment. Amid these changes, logistics have become trendy – the work that was once behind the scenes is now in full view as the world collectively puzzles over the operational issues that go with social distancing, safe transportation, supply chain management, vaccine distribution and more.

“Because of the pandemic, I am less likely to...

Take the subway/
light rail/metro or bus


Ride on a train


Travel by airplane


Use a ridesharing
service or taxi




Global average, all adults

“The pandemic has caused me to reconsider the number of vehicles I need for my household.”

percent who agree
blue car

Among global adults who say they have reconsidered the numbers of vehicles they need for their household:


say “I need more vehicles.”


say “I need fewer vehicles.”

car keys

“I can’t imagine a life without having my own automobile.”



“I am hopeful about the future of autonomous vehicles.”

percent who agree
detour sign

“I’d rather my children ride in a self-driving vehicle than ride with a stranger.”


of parents globally agree

The results for Ford Trends 2021 are based on 13,005 online interviews across 14 countries, conducted under the direction of The Harris Poll. The survey was conducted among the general population, ages 18 years and older in the following countries: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Spain, United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom and the United States. Respondents from Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates were required to be nationals of their respective countries; data from these two countries were combined and analyzed in aggregate. All fieldwork took place between October 27 and November 12, 2020. While the data within countries were weighted to be representative, the overall sample of 13,005 was not weighted across countries. That is, we do not claim that aggregated data is representative based on country population sizes across the participating countries.

Region Country Sample Size
Australia 1,001
Brazil 1,000
Canada 1,000
China 1,000
France 1,000
Germany 1,001
India 1,000
Italy 1,000
Mexico 1,000
Spain 1,000
Middle East Saudi Arabia 501
Middle East UAE 502
UK 1,000
USA 1,000
Total 13,005

We have defined generational cohorts as follows: Gen Z (18-23), Millennials (24-39), Gen X (40-55), Boomers (56-74).