Family 2.0

The concept of family is undergoing a significant transformation, as the conventional norms of marriage and parenthood are no longer considered mandatory. In the next decade, family life might include more fur babies than human ones, as many say they would choose to have pets over kids. Society finds itself at a tipping point, maintaining a delicate balance between tradition and progress. While two-thirds of respondents acknowledge the stability offered by traditional family roles, they equally advocate for societal support for non-traditional family dynamics. People are redefining what a family is, creating the family they want—moving beyond the traditional definition and into Family 2.0.

Family 2.0

Marriage is no longer a necessity in today's world.


Men Sign

Women Sign

Global Average 85%

Having children is no longer necessary for having a complete family.

Percent who agree

Global Average 74%

In the next 10 years, my ideal living / family situation looks like…

Percent who agree

Women nursing baby

Having Children

Men nursing baby

Having Pets

Ideal family/living situation in the next 10 years


World Map

I would be (or already am) happy being in a relationship that doesn't follow traditional gender roles.

Percent who agree

Global Average 74%

One foot in the past, one in the future.

Traditional family roles help families cope with life best.



Two people pulling a rope

Society should support non-traditional families more.



Here’s a look at how people are redefining the concept of family around the globe.

The results for the Ford Trends 2024 survey are based on 16,086 online interviews across 16 countries. The survey was conducted among the general population, ages 18 years and older in the following countries: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Spain, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and the United States. Respondents from United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia were required to be nationals of their respective countries.

While the data within countries were weighted to be representative, the overall sample of 16,086 was not weighted across countries. That is, we do not claim that aggregated data is representative based on country population sizes across the participating countries.

We have defined generational cohorts as follows: Gen Z (18-26 years of age), Millennials (27-42 years of age), Gen X (43-58 years of age), Boomers (59-77 years of age).

All fieldwork for this survey took place between August 11 and September 1, 2023. The survey was 15 minutes in length, on average, with sample sizes per country as follows:

Region Country Sample Size
Australia 1,005
Brazil 1,009
Canada 1,005
China 1,004
France 1,005
Germany 1,001
India 1,001
Italy 1,007
Mexico 1,002
Middle East (nationals only) Saudi Arabia 503
Middle East (nationals only) UAE 505
South Africa 1,007
Spain 1,007
Thailand 1,003
U.K. 1,001
U.S. 2,021
Total 16,086