The Production Purchasing Global Terms and Conditions apply to the purchase by the Buyer of production goods, services, and Tech products from the Supplier.
We periodically update our Global Terms and Conditions to meet the changing technological advancements and evolving supply chain of the automotive industry. Our commitment is to establish fair and equitable Global Terms and Conditions with our Suppliers. We believe Global Terms and Conditions support Ford Motor Company’s goal to be the most trusted company and to deliver the highest quality products and services to our end customers.
Production Purchasing Global Terms & Conditions (English)
Production Purchasing Global Terms & Conditions (Spanish)
Production Purchasing Global Terms & Conditions (German)
Production Purchasing Global Terms & Conditions (Chinese)
Production Purchasing Global Terms & Conditions (Portuguese)
Separate Global Terms and Conditions apply to the purchase of non-production/indirect goods and services. These terms, along with Supplemental Terms, Supplier Guides, and other documentation can be accessed through the Ford Supplier Portal (FSP), but will require a login.
Our commitment to sustainability continues with our supply chain. We rely on thousands of suppliers to provide us with materials, components, and services for our vehicles. We work with our suppliers to develop policies, build capacity, and foster transparency to support the human rights of their employees and the employees in their supply chains. We monitor our supply chains to ensure our materials are safe, responsibly sourced, and do not contribute to conflict. We share environmental practices which have worked well for Ford, helping our suppliers cut costs, improve quality, and become more sustainable. As part of our desire to help build a better world for everyone, we include our global supply chain in our corporate aspiration to become carbon neutral by 2050.
The Supplier Diversity & Inclusion addition to Ford’s Global Terms and Conditions aims to encourage suppliers to actively establish and maintain a diverse and inclusive supply chain. Diversity breeds innovation and the companies that attract the most talented and diverse workforce will succeed in our rapidly changing world.
The Supplier Diversity & Inclusion Office mission is to connect certified diverse and small businesses to the Commodity Purchasing teams and our Tier 1 suppliers. Ford requires that suppliers who participate in the 2nd Tier Program submit performance reports detailing purchasing data covering spend with the following supplier classifications each quarter:
- Minority-owned Business Enterprise (MBE)
- Women-owned Business Enterprise (WBE)
- Veteran-owned Business Enterprise (VBE)
- Other
- Disabled-owned business enterprise (DOBE)
- LGBTQ-owned business (LGBTQ)
- Small Business Enterprises (SBE)
Ford Motor Company values strong supplier relationships and understands our dependency on suppliers to deliver must-have products and services to our customers. We will continue to work with our suppliers to meet current and future customer needs and to lead the electrification revolution.
Ford is committed to improving supplier relationships based on principles of mutual benefit, trust, flexibility, and total cost of ownership.
Ford Motor Company’s commitment to supplier quality relies on process execution and continuous improvement with our supplier partners. Our goal in Supplier Technical Assistance (STA) is to drive quality into our products, flawlessly launch our powertrains and vehicles, and modernize our systems to improve our decision-making process. By leveraging the Q1 process, utilizing our APQP/PPAP procedure, implementing process improvements, and providing training to our teams, we can achieve quality together.